Autumn 1 Week 4
Week 4 in Kestrels!
Happy Friday! I hope everyone has had a wonderful week!
We have had a busy week full of learning and fun!
Highlights of the week:
In maths, we have been learning to order numbers and objects. We have done this through using vocabulary such as greater than and less than. I was really impressed as everyone seemed to understand this quickly. The children have been practising their 2s, 5s and 10s, and we played a game today called Fizz Buzz... Ask your children to play this with you to help practice these times tables!
We enjoyed learning about the Great Fire of London again this week! We talked more in depth about Samuel Pepys and his diary, and we even read and saw some of his actual diary from 1666! The children discussed what they would want to bury if they were in The Great Fire of London, and we drew a picture and wrote an explanation to go alongside this.
We have been practising our singing for the Harvest festival next week! The children have all got a line that they have brought home with them to practice as they will be saying this in the service next week. Please make sure you practice these with your children! We can't wait to see you all there.
Star of the Week: Ezra! Well done Ezra, you have tried really hard this week and it has gone noticed as you always have your hand up even when it is challenging!
Just a gentle reminder that all children are expected to be reading 5x a week as well as completing their homework and spelling. Their homework folders must be handed in on Thursday, so they will have their homework marked and their sheets for the next week ready for them on Friday!
We have had a lot of left over jumpers and cardigans at school - please make sure your child's uniform is named so that they do not get lost!
Have a lovely weekend and see you all next weekend!
Miss Hamilton :)