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Autumn 2 Week 3 (Anti-Bullying Week)

What have we been up to this week?

This week at By Brook Valley it has been our Anti-Bullying Week! We have spent lots of time discussing what bullying is, what it isn't and whether or not 'banter' was ok to use. We enjoyed an anti-bullying assembly from Mrs Henshall and Miss Reed, created kindness bookmarks for each other and also released our artistic sides by creating our very own bees! We loved creating a set of watercolour bees for our new display in school and also a paper-mache bee for the ceiling in the corridor! Look out for our bees the next time you are in school! 

We have decided on a new anti-bullying motto in school: Be Kind, Be Brave, Value Everyone! This is the motto we will follow at BBV!

Our Christmas Play!

We are well underway with rehearsal now in Y3 and Y4! Please make sure your children are practising their lines at home too! Tickets are now on sale via letters in the office. 

Star of the week:

This week our star is ... Chloe! Chloe has shown great enthusiasm and excitement when practising for the play, and is an all round star! Well done Chloe!

Reminders for next week:

-Please remember to practise scripts at home! Play tickets are now on sale!

-Please bring in reading records each day and read 5x per week at home. 

Have a lovely weekend :). 

Miss Reed x