Autumn 2 Week 4
What have we been up to this week?
This week in Hawks we have enjoyed learning about times tables and multiplication maths, enjoying some calming yoga and writing descriptive pieces using similes, hyperbole and expanded noun phrases in English. We have been practising our Bethlehem Bandits play and can't wait for you to see it!
Our Christmas Play!
Please make sure your costumes are in by Tuesday 28th November. Also, don't forget to get your tickets from the office!
Star of the week:
This week we didn't have a celebration assembly due to Year 6's class assembly. We will find out who our star of the week is next week :).
Reminders for next week:
-Please remember to practise scripts at home! I have also put the song lyrics on our class home learning page and the songs can be found on Spotify or Youtube. Play tickets are now available.
- Remember next Friday is our By Brook valley Santa Fun Run!
-Please bring in reading records each day and read 5x per week at home.
Have a lovely weekend :).
Miss Reed x