Spring Term 1 Week 1
Welcome back Kestrels!
Kestrels have had a great first two days back at school and have settled into the classroom routine after an exciting Christmas break! I have heard all about the children's holidays and what they got up to over the Christmas period. They got to write about their time off school and what they got up to by using their knowledge of how to write a recount in our first English lesson back!
We have started our new Geography topic on 'Weather' and by the end of the topic the children will be able to answer the question: How does weather affect us?
We have also started our new Science topic. In science this term we will be learning all about animals, including humans. The children seemed excited about this topic, and we have shared what we already know as well as what we are looking forward to finding out.
You can find the knowledge organisers for these topics as well as RE, where we will be learning about the Islamic religion this term, in Class letters.
PE days have changed, and the children will be doing Dance on a Monday and Yoga on a Tuesday. Please make sure your child is in their PE kit these days.
A reminder to keep reading with your child. This is important, and their reading records get checked each Friday to make sure they are reading at least 5 times at home. As well as this, homework also needs to be done. Children are coming in with excuses about why they have not completed their homework. Unless it is serious, there shouldn't be excuses.
I am looking forward to a fun and exciting new term in Kestrels!
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Hamilton :)