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Summer 1 Week 4

This week the Owls said goodbye to our butterflies! After watching them grow from tiny caterpillars, to very fat caterpillars, to becoming chrysalises, to finally becoming butterflies, it was time to release them to the wild. We took our snack time outside (as we have been most days in this glorious weather!) and all the children got to have a turn either holding a butterfly or having a nice close look before they flew away. 

In our writing this week we have been having a closer look at the different parts of a plant. We went on a hunt to find some different plants and used magnifying glasses to spot the roots, stem, leaves and flowers. We then drew diagrams of the plants and labelled them using our phonics knowledge. We loved using the new big blackboards out on the playground! The children could also tell us what job each part of the plant has! 

Forest school this week called for very different attire to last week! We ditched the waterproofs and coats for sun-hats and sun-cream as we enjoyed our second Forest school session. The children had some time to play and climb the tree again before we focussed on our main task for this session - building bug houses! We talked about what would make a good bug house and where a bug might want to live. The children collected sticks, stones, leaves and flowers to build their houses and then we went on a bug hunt to find some inhabitants! We lifted rocks and logs and found many different exciting animals! We then finished our session with some more marshmallows and a camp fire. 

In maths this week we have learnt how to double numbers. We know that doubling is 'two of the same number added together'. The children used numicon to find doubles and then completed some 'doubling ladybird' tasks in their maths books. Next week we will be looking at halving, talking as well about how it is similar and different to doubling. 

Well done to our Star of the week... Ethan! Ethan was an absolute maths whizz this week and blew us all away with his excellent doubling skills, well done Ethan! 

Next week Forest school will be on Friday again as usual. 

As the weather is getting hotter, please do remember to send your child in with a water bottle and sun hat. If possible, applying sun-cream at home before school would be good too! Many thanks and have a wonderful weekend all :)