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Summer 2 Week 2

This week in Owls we were joined by Miss Rebecca! Miss Rebecca completed a week of work experience in Owls Class and was an absolute joy to have. The children had a wonderful week, and we want to give a big 'thank you' to Rebecca for all her hard work! 

We began the week by reading The Enormous Turnip. We acted out the story, but no matter how many animals we added we couldn't pull the turnip out! We decided to write letters to other animals to ask for help. The children learnt the key features of a letter, making sure to begin with 'to...' and finish with 'from...'. We also retold the story in our small world area outside! 

In music, we learnt what the terms 'beat' and 'tempo' meant. Then we listened to some different songs and tried to clap along with the beat. Once we were able to clap along, we used instruments! The children had a go using percussion eggs and maracas to shake along to the beat of different songs. We even listened and shook along with The Greatest Showman! 

We spent our PE this week practising our sports day skills ahead of Monday's Sports Day. The children practised the egg and spoon race, balancing bean bags on their heads and throwing bean bags into hoops. They also had a chance to share what activities they would like to do on Sports Day. For Monday, please can your child come wearing a t-shirt in the colour of their house (Castle Coombe = Red, Biddestone = Yellow, Nettleton and Burton = Green and Yatton Keynall = Blue). We would love to see as many parents there as possible to cheer the children on and join us for our picnic lunch afterwards. 

In Maths this week we focussed on our teen numbers, using numicon to build them and identifying the numbers out of order and putting them back in order. 

Well done to our Star of the week... Freya! Freya has produced lots of brilliant work this week and has shown beautiful manners too. Well done Freya!