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Autumn 1 Week 2

This week we have been enjoying digging deeper into our year 4 learning! 

In maths this week we have been continuing to look at place value. We have used number lines and lots of imagery to consolidate our understanding. 

In English this week we have been focusing on developing our writing and ensuring that we are including punctuation and different sentence types. We did our first Year 4 cold write; writing a set of instructions. 

In Geography, we have been exploring our local area and created a one page information sheet on Yatton Keynell and what we have in our school village. 

Our dance lessons are underway and we have chosen a very upbeat song to create our Year 4 dance for our internal By Brook Valley dance festival at the end of the term. 

School Council Elections: 

We will be running school council elections next week in class. If your child would like to run in those elections, all they have to do is have a little something prepared to say to the class as to why they should vote for them :). 

Biddestone Cross Country Event: 

As you may have seen in the classroom window, we are taking the names of children who would like to take part in the Biddestone Cross Country event on the  24th September. Please hand in names to me or the office by next Wednesday. 

Star of the week:

This week our star is... Oscar J! Oscar has been such a kind and considerate learning partner and is always kind and supportive! Well done Oscar! You are a star!

Reminders for next week:

- PE days are Monday and Friday. 

- Please bring in reading records each day and read 5x per week at home. 

- Home learning is sent out each Friday. This includes spellings, maths and reading.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Reed x