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Autumn Term 1 Week 5

Week 5!

This week has been full of lots of learning!

We are still enjoying our English work based on Beegu! This week, the children have learnt how to make inferences from the text, creating freeze frames to aid understanding of how characters are feeling. The children enjoyed this role-play, and I was impressed with the response when they were asked to describe their characters' feelings. The children have also started to create lost posters! On their posters they have drawn Beegu and written a description of her to help her parents find her.

In maths this week we finished off our place value unit. The children have been using vocabulary to compare numbers, which has helped when we ordered numbers and objects as well as looking at number lines. Next week we will move onto our addition and subtraction unit.

In Geography, we answered the question: How has the school changed over time? We looked at what schools used to be like in the 1950s and 1990s and compared them to what they are like now! The children realised that we have a lot more technology now.

We have been preparing for our Harvest service next week. As a class, we have written a Harvest prayer to read during our service, as well as the children having a chance to write their own. 

Show and tell: There is a rota for show and tell up until half-term. This is displayed in the classroom window! If your child wants to, they can show or tell us something about our geography topic: Where in the world are we? It was lovely to hear and see some objects and stories which children brought in from around the world.  

The children have spellings to practise which were handed out this week. They will be given a new set on Monday. Please also make sure you are reading with your child at least 5 times a week and practising their number bonds.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Hamilton :)