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Autumn 1 Week 5

I can't believe we have finished week 5 already! Ospreys have been working hard again this week.

In maths, we have been learning about number lines to 1000 and how to estimate a number.

We have been continuing to read our class book The Firework Makers Daughter and answering questions about what we have read in our guided reading lessons.

In Geography, we have learnt about the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn and wrote fact files about them. 

In RE, we learnt the story of Rama and Sita and how the Diwali, the festival of light, started.

On Monday, we had some Police Community Support Officers come in to talk to us about online safety and how to keep safe whilst online. This is linked well to our computing lessons.

We have been practising very hard for our Harvest service next Wednesday (9.30am in the village hall). We look forward to sharing our work and singing with all the parents.

Star of the week this week was Maya F. Maya is always positive in her learning and always contributes to all her lessons. Well done Maya!

Please continue to read 5x a week and write in the children's reading record.

Please can children practice Times tables rock stars each week to support them with their timetables. If you have lost the log in please let me know.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Boddy :)