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Autumn 1 Week 6

This week we celebrated Young Minds Mental Health week! We kicked off the week with an assembly all about the importance of looking after your mental health and enjoyed lots of different activities in class. We did a 'body scan' in year 4, which helped us to be mindful of how our bodies feel throughout the day and what we can do to help them. We also loved brightening up the school with yellow on our 'Hello Yellow!' day!

This week we have started our writing unit of poetry. We kicked it all off by having a poetry competition within the class. The class plit into two teams, Miss Reed's team and Mrs Wild's team. The only rules were, no acrositc poems and it had to be about an autumn picture! Here is what we created! 

Miss Davies and Mrs Henshalls were the judges of the poem competition and without knowing, they chose both of ours! Everyone was a winner! We then went onto creating some winter poems with our partner! They were incredible and we used such amazing language!


In maths, we have been consolidating our methods of addition and subtraction using column. We have been focusing on adding and subtracting 2 4-digit numbers and have been doing some tricky exchanges to help with this.

Star of the week:

Our star of the week this week is ... Evie! Evie is always listening and is ready for her learning! She is kind and caring to all and always tries her best! Well done Evie!

Reminders for next week:

- Next Tuesday is photo day!

- Next Thursday is parent's evening, which means no netball after-school club.

- PE days are Monday and Friday. 

- Please bring in reading records each day and read 5x per week at home. 

- Home learning is sent out each Friday. Please check bags for this. 

Have a nice weekend :). 

Miss Reed x