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Autumn 2, Week 2

This week has been Anti-Bullying week. We began the week by wearing odd socks to celebrate differences. We discussed our differences and that we all have things that we are good at. Owls were fantastic at talking about their unique talents. We used our imaginations to create a friendship potion. All the children agreed that good friends are kind, respectful and good at sharing. Owls enjoyed using a variety of sparkly ingredients in the outside area to make their friendship potions. 

On Monday, we created our own poppies using paint, crayons and cupcake cases. We discussed the importance of Remembrance Day and watched a beautiful remembrance animation on CBeebies.


  • PE days are Wednesday and Thursday.
  • Please ensure that reading books and records are in book bags every day. Children need to read 5X a week. We will be checking reading records on a Friday and giving raffle tickets to children who have been reading 5X a week. 

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Nicholas