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Autumn 2 Week 2

Anti-bullying week!

We have had another busy but fantastic week!

We have been working hard rehearsing for our Christmas production on 5th December. The children brought home information about their part in the production and a letter about tickets. Please let me know if you have not received these.

It was anti-bullying week this week, and we discussed what bullying is and what to do if we are being bullied. We talked about respect and how we can be respectful at school in line with one of our school promises and outside of school. We created respect posters to show everyone how we can be respectful. 

We wore odd socks on Monday to show that we are all different and that our differences should be embraced. Finally, on Friday we all came in to school in our pj's! Thank you for all your support on these different occasions.

In Maths, we are learning column addition using three-digit numbers with exchanges.

In English, we are using a short music film, So Good To Me, to support our narrative writing this term. This week we have thought about how we can make predictions from the introduction of a narrative.

Star if the week this week is Dulcie. Dulcie has been very focused and positive in her learning this week. Well done Dulcie!

Please can children continue to read at home 5x a week as part of home learning. Reading records should be brought to school every day.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Boddy :)