Autumn 2 Week 3
A busy week in Ospreys!
The children have been working hard rehearsing the Christmas production. Thank you for providing the children with their costume. Please can any remaining costumes be in by Monday.
In maths, we have been learning how to add two, three-digit numbers together using column addition, and we will be moving onto learning how to subtract two, three-digit numbers with exchanges.
In English, we have been learning about expanded noun phrases and how to write showing a characters thoughts and feelings.
In Geography, we have been learning why there are earthquakes and volcanoes and how they are formed the tectonic plates moving.
The children have been enjoying yoga on a Tuesday and hockey on a Wednesday.
Star of the week this week is Henry. Henry always works hard in his lessons and has had a great attitude positive for learning. Well done Henry!
Please continue to read with children 5x a week at home and record in their reading records.
Have a wonderful weekend. Keep warm!
Miss Boddy :)