Autumn 2 week 5 and 6
It's been a very busy two weeks in Ospreys!
In week 5 the children performed their Christmas production, which was amazing. I am so proud of all the work they put into learning their lines and songs, and they made us all proud on the night.
We also had fun with the Santa run and enjoyed a hot chocolate and brownie at the end.
In maths, we have been working hard with column addition and subtraction and understanding when exchanges are required.
In English, we have been writing our narratives using all the skills we have learnt this term, including expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and using the 5 w's.
We have been doing lots of learning in Geography, about earthquakes and volcanoes and how they happen, as well as considering why people choose to live in these areas.
In RE, we have been learning about Christianity and The Trinity.
Stars of the week are Mila and Arthur. Well done to you both!
Reminder that we finish at 2pm on Friday 20th December.
Many thanks for all your support.
Miss Boddy :)