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Spring 1 Week 1

Happy New Year!

Welcome back to Spring term. It has been lovely to see all the children this week. They have settled back well into school routines and have been working hard during the first three days.

In maths, we have revised our learning of column addition and subtraction and have started the times tables races.

In English this term we will be focusing on diary writing. The children wrote a diary about their first day back at school, and we read a diary about Egypt as part of guided reading.

In PSHE, we are thinking about our goals and dreams this term. This week we considered different scenarios and discussed which were more challenging and why.

In music, we started to learn a Viking song which was lots of fun.

A curriculum newsletter was sent home yesterday with details about our learning this term.


It is our class trip to the Ashmolean museum next Wednesday. Children need to be at school by 8.25 am as we will be leaving by 8.30am. We will be returning at approx 4pm. Children will need a coat, a water bottle and a packed lunch.

PE days are Monday and Wednesdays this term.

Please can children read 5x a week and record in the reading records. This is part of their home learning. The class has been given a challenge to see how many children can read 5x next week.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Boddy :)