Spring 1 Week 3 and 4
Story innovations and making our own music!
We have had a busy last two weeks in Falcons class!
In English, children have been using the story: Queen Victoria's Bathing Machine to inspire their own story writing. We started by writing one all together as a class and then each child has innovated the story to make it their own and has written it out in their English books. I enjoyed reading them all, and we loved sharing our ideas with each other.
We have had fun in PE doing Yoga and Football! The children are playing football on the field which has been a bit muddy, so we advise them to bring in some spare shoes on Wednesday's with some clean socks as well, so they are able to change into them after their lesson if needed!
In music, we have been exploring dynamics! The children have been listening to different sounds and discussing what they remind them of. They were then able to go off in groups to create music with instruments and body percussion to suit a certain picture they were given, e.g. seaside. They were then able to perform these to the rest of the class.
In computing, we have had fun exploring how to control a robot using BeeBots! We have learnt about the buttons on them and how to give them a set of instructions. We also practised giving each other instructions and the type of language we could use.
In history, we have continued with our Victorians topic. We used the skill of comparing to discuss and present the difference between the lives of rich and poor in the Victorian era. We also looked at Victorian inventions and compared how they have changed over time.
In maths, we have been finishing off our place value within 20 unit with number lines! The children have been learning their numbers from 10-20 and learning about how many tens and ones are in each number. They have also learnt how to estimate!
Thank you for all of your hard work, Falcons!
Miss Hamilton :)