Week 6 11/05/20
I thought I'd add a few extra resources to help support you with your persuasive letter.
1) Read the the persuasive writing examples. (RESOURCE 12) Underline key words and phrases that indicate point of view, or technical language.
2) Look at the persuasive checklist (RESOURCE 13)) you could use this as a planner to magpie some words or phrases from the examples you have read, and you can use the word mat (RESOURCE 14) to support you. Here you can start to write down any facts that you have learnt from watching the videos.
3) Use the persuasive writing template (RESOURCE 15) to scaffold your first draft which will include some facts and opinion and persuasive argument for/against.
Don't do all these steps in one go. Maybe do one thing each day. I hope this helps you to enjoy a more structured piece of wring using scaffolds and prompts like we would in class. We would read examples together, look at vocabulary and then begin to plan and draft.
Have fun and enjoy the debate!
Monday 11th May 2020
Hello Hawks,
I hope you enjoyed the Bank Holiday weekend and I'd love to hear how your VE Day celebrations went? On Thursday I received some lovely pictures of your preparations; bunting and baking, invitations and pictures, so well done. Email me a few photographs and I'll do another collage this week to share in my mid week check in.
I hope by now you will have seen the video "A message from the staff of By Brook Valley Primary School," I hope it made you smile and feel proud that together we are all doing our bit to stay safe.
Lots of you really enjoyed the balloon experiment last week as an introduction to solids, liquids and gases, thank you for sharing all your photos and videos and for those of you who ended up with a bumper pack of balloons after ordering online, there are more experiments to follow requiring balloons so keep them safe!
Enjoy the new learning in History/Art this week looking at Roman mosaics and what they tell us.
As always, I look forward to hearing from you as the week progresses and as you continue to embrace your home learning doing your best.
Have a happy, safe and positive week, and remember, I am always here.
Mrs Willoughby