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Class Blog

Please check this blog weekly for updates and reminders. A new blog is posted each Friday. 

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  • Autumn 2 Week 2

    Published 10/11/23, by Katherine Reed
    What have we been up to this week? This week in English we have been switching our attention to narrative writing! We wrote our own story in our 'cold write' and have been working on how to use direct speech and inverted commas correctly.&
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  • Autumn 2 Week 1

    Published 03/11/23, by Katherine Reed
    This week in RE we have been learning all about Judaism and their promises to their God. We were intrigued to find lots of connections to Christianity .  In Maths this week we have been recapping our addition and subtraction. We are using col
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  • Autumn 1 Weeks 6&7

    Published 17/10/23, by Katherine Reed
    Week 6: Last week we enjoyed our last swimming session of the term. These sessions will continue when we come back to school after half term, where we will pick up where we left off :).  In science last week we planned, completed and evalu
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  • Autumn 1 Week 5

    Published 06/10/23, by Katherine Reed
    This week in science, we have been continuing our sound learning and explored pitch and volume. We used instruments to discover what pitch and volume were and the difference in hearing them. We did our own mini-experiment to discover which instrument
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  • Autumn 1 Week 4

    Published 29/09/23, by Katherine Reed
    This week we have loved continuing our learning about Romans! We learnt all about the daily life of a roman child, soldier and wealthy Roman! In science, we have begun to learn about sound and even made our very own paper cup telephones to witness
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  • Autumn 1 Week 3

    Published 22/09/23, by Katherine Reed
    This week we have loved starting our Forest School sessions with Mr Summers. We loved being outside in the fresh air, exploring building, foraging and teamwork. In maths this week we have been continuing to look at place value and used th
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  • Autumn 1 Week 2

    Published 18/09/23, by Katherine Reed
    This week we have been enjoying digging deeper into our year 4 learning!  In maths this week we have been continuing to look at place value. We have used number lines and lots of imagery to consolidate our understanding.  In Engl
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  • Autumn 1 Week 1

    Published 08/09/23, by Katherine Reed
    Hawks have had a great first week back at school as Year 4s!  This week we have been settling into school routines, refreshing our minds on the school values and promises and finding our flow again with classroom routines.  In maths t
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