Autumn 1 Week 1
Hawks have had a great first week back at school as Year 4s!
This week we have been settling into school routines, refreshing our minds on the school values and promises and finding our flow again with classroom routines.
In maths this week we have been looking at place value. We have represented and partitioned numbers up to 1000.
In English this week we have started our class book in guided reading; Escape from Pompeii, used a thesaurus to find alternative verbs for our writing, written about our favourite summer memories and refreshed our Sounds Write knowledge to help us with our spelling.
In History we have started to look at this term's topic; the Romans and the impact they had on Britain. So far we have learnt about how the legend of Rome began and learnt about the story of Romulus and Remus. We also enjoyed our first music lesson this week, which was connected to our topic of Romans.
In PE we enjoyed our very first swimming session and had some time in the sunshine playing rounders (to make the most of the weather before it disappears).
Star of the week:
Just like last year, each week we will be celebrating a child from the class as our 'star of the week'. This week our star is... Luke! Luke has shown such a great smiley, positive attitude to his first week back at school. His effort in his learning has also been positive! Well done Luke!
Reminders for next week:
- PE days are Wednesday (swimming) and Friday.
- Please bring in reading records each day and read 5x per week at home.
- Home learning is sent out each Friday in home learning folders. Their new spellings for the next week will be written on the bottom of that weeks completed sheet. Maths home learning is practising times tables races which can be found on the home learning section of our class page. Reading 5x per week is also classed as home learning.
Have a lovely weekend :).
Miss Reed x