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Autumn 1 Week 3

This week we have loved starting our Forest School sessions with Mr Summers. We loved being outside in the fresh air, exploring building, foraging and teamwork.

In maths this week we have been continuing to look at place value and used that knowledge to decode Roman Numerals, which further links to our history of learning about the Romans! We also discovered that Mrs Henshall is a Roman Numeral fan herself and enjoyed testing her memory on decoding Roman Numerals (she was very good!). 

In English this week we have been continuing our focus on diaries. We have practised using first person writing, past tense verbs, and thoughts and feelings to help us with our hot write diaries next week. Here is some of our wonderful writing!


In History, we have now learnt about when the Romans invaded Britain! We loved creating our own timelines of the invasion and learnt lots of interesting knowledge about why and when they invaded!

As always, we have loved our swimming, gymnastics and forest school sessions, and it is a great opportunity for us to move our bodies but also to keep our minds feeling positive and happy. 

Star of the week:

Our star this week will be shared next week, as we were out at Forest school during celebration assembly. 

Reminders for next week:

- PE days are Wednesday (swimming) and Friday. 

- Please bring in reading records each day and read 5x per week at home. 

- Home learning is sent out each Friday in home learning folders. Their new spellings for the next week will be written on the bottom of that weeks completed sheet. Maths home learning is practising times tables races which can be found on the home learning section of our class page and also using the app Times Tables Rock Stars (logins for this have been put into reading records). Reading 5x per week is also classed as home learning. 

Have a nice weekend :). 

Miss Reed x