Summer 1 Week 1

A great first week back of Summer 1 term. We have been looking at newspaper report writing and thinking about what features they have. We are also carrying on with our fraction learning in maths. In Science, RE and History we have started by trying out our current knowledge with our plickers quizzes and have created our own knowledge webs. We look forward to learning more in these topics this term.
On Friday we enjoyed our school trip to Marwell Zoo. We saw many types of animals and learnt about conservation and classification from the experts that work there. We had a great day and it helped us with our Science learning form last term.
Star of the week:
Because we were out on a school trip there was no star of the week this week.
- Please bring reading records and books into school each day.
- Water bottles need to come into school each day.
- Please return any completed forms to Miss Reed asap.
- School reports went out this week.
Miss Reed x