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Autumn 2 Week 6

This week we have enjoyed recapping our multiplication knowledge and diving into our RE topic of Christianity. We have been learning all about covenants and promises and relating those to Bible stories. This week we looked at the story of Noah and the Ark. 

In art, we created a one-page artist study. We studied Ian Murphy and his style of art. We loved creating information pages about him and even copied his style of artwork. 

We also explored how the water cycle works in science this week and created our very own water cycle science diagrams. We loved illustrating our diagrams to show our understanding. 

In Forest Schools this week we loved re-building our dens, but this time with the end goal of every member of the team being able to fit inside. We loved finding natural resources to help support our dens and, as usual, ended our session with marshmallows around the fire!

Star of the week:

This week our star of the week is ... Thea! Thea produced some beautiful artwork this week and took great care when doing so! Well done Thea!

Reminders for next week:

- Next Tuesday is Christmas dinner day!

- Next Friday is the last day of term, and we finish at 2pm. 

- PE days are Tuesday and Friday. 

- Please bring in reading records each day and read 5x per week at home. 

- Please remember to bring in any reverse advent calendar donations to school. 

Have a nice weekend :). 

Miss Reed x