Week 3
We have had another great week in Ospreys. The children are all working hard and focusing on their learning.
In English, we have been learning how to write in the First Person as part of our diary writing and learning how to write sentences using nouns, adjectives and verbs. The children wrote some great sentences!
In Maths, we have moved on to looking at how to represent and partition numbers up to 1000 and continue to use place value charts to help us to understand and support our learning.
In History, we learnt about the Roman invasion of Britain and discussed why the Romans wanted to invade. The children were really interested in this and we had great discussions.
We had a lady from Road Safety come and talk to the children about walking and crossing a road safely using the Green Cross Code and she will return next week to take them for a short walk in groups.
Star of the week
Our star of the week is Rebecca! Rebecca always tries her best and perseveres in her learning. Well done Rebecca!
Please can children continue to read 5x per week and bring reading records in on Fridays.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Miss Boddy