Autumn 1 Week 6
We have had a great week in Ospreys!
We have been talking a lot this week about mental health and well-being. We all completed a heart with pictures showing all the things that make us happy and all the children have taken home well-being bingo to try.
I was so proud of all the children at the Harvest Service. They all sang so well and read their prayers beautifully. Thank you for all the donations.
In Maths, we have been learning how to order and compare numbers up to 1000.
In English, we have started our topic on poems and have been comparing a variety of poems.
In RE, we have learnt about Diwali and what the Hindus do to celebrate it.
Star of the week this week is Brianna. Brianna volunteered to read a prayer at the harvest service last minute which was very brave. Well done Brianna.
Please remember to read 5x times a week as part of home learning.
Have a great weekend.
MIss Boddy :)