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Spring 1 Week 2

It has been a great first full week back!

The big highlight of the week was our school trip to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. Despite the long journey to get there, it was definitely worth it. Our tour guide in the morning taught us so much about the Ancient Egyptians to help us with our history topic this term. We learnt about mummification and saw two mummies in the museum. We saw an Egyptian temple that had been taken apart in Egypt, transported to Britain and rebuilt. We were detectives and had to find certain items in the museum, and then we were able to hold some old artefacts and try and work out what they were. In the afternoon, we were able to explore other parts of the museum.

In History after the trip we learnt more about the mummification process and then had a go at mummifying tomatoes using salt and bicarbonate of soda. We will see what happens to the tomatoes after 2 weeks.

We have also been working hard to prepare for our class assembly on Friday 24th January at 2.30pm. We look forward to sharing our work with you.

Star of the week was Nell. Nell is always following our school promises and always reading for learning. Well done Nell!

Year 3 will be taking part in 3 Forest Schools session on 30th Jan, 13th Feb and 27th Feb. A letter with further details will be sent out in due course.

Please can children continue to read 5x a week as part of their homework and record it in their reading records. These need to be brought into school everyday.

Please can children practice their timetables each week using times table rockstars if possible. If you need a log in please let me know.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Miss Boddy :)