Autumn Term 2 Week 4
Week 4!
This week flew by!
Highlights of the week:
The children have been doing lots of hard work this week. Including continuing to plan our story based on the Great Fire of London. Once the children planned their stories, they made a story map, and we have already written the opening to our stories! The children have loved being creative with their writing, and I am looking forward to reading the final pieces.
In P.E., the children have been enjoying their lessons with Mr Peters on a Monday. I was able to watch the children this week and was taken back at how talented they all are at hockey! They were learning how to dribble and tackle this week.
In maths, children have been learning how to add and subtract across and from a 10. This has been tricky, but the children have tried their hardest and each day it has been getting easier to understand. Well done everyone!
After interviewing Samuel Pepys last week, we now know all about him. Therefore, we decided to make a fact file about him this week! This included information about his life, the Great Fire of London, the Great Plague and the children drew his portrait too.
Along with our Great Fire of London topic, we are almost ready to create our Tudor Houses. This week we have been designing what we want them to look like and planning what we think we are going to need. Thank you everyone that brought in a cereal box. We have got a perfect number now, and they are ready to be transformed!
- Children have their lines for the nativity. Please practice these at home!
- Read 5x a week, as well as spellings!
- Children have a maths sheet to complete at home as well as carry on with TTRS (Logins are in reading records)
Thank you again for a great week, Kestrels!
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Hamilton :)