Term 3, Week 6! 14.02.25

What a busy last week of term 3 we have had!
In English, we finished our non-chronological reports on Queen Victoria. The children used their knowledge from our history lessons to create wonderful reports. The children were really proud of the reports they created.
We finished our unit on 2D and 3D shapes in maths this week. We looked at how many edges 3D shapes have and how many vertices they have.
We then looked at different ways we could group 3D shapes!
We also celebrated Safer Internet Day! Thank you to the parents/carers that came to our linger and learn session and helped us with finding out what personal information is.
After, we made Internet Safety Raps! The children got creative with rhyming couplets to create a rap with lots of things they have learnt so far this year to stay safe online.
We also spoke about who our trusted adults are and how it is important to tell our adults when we see and hear things that worry us or upset us online.
Star of the Week is….
Frannie! For always modelling our school values to her peers.
- PE days for Term 4 are Wednesday and Thursday.
- Please bring in reading books and reading records every day and read 5 times a week at home. Remember an adult needs to sign the reading records.
- Spellings will come home on Monday. Please practice these every day at home ready for our spelling test on Fridays.
- Practice your times tables on TTRockstars using the login stuck in your reading record.
Have a wonderful half term break!
Miss Knapp