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Class Blog

Please check back each Friday for our weekly blog updates.

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  • Spring 2 Week 4

    Published 15/03/24, by Eleanor Slaney
    This week the Owls travelled to Antarctica! We learnt the difference between a country and a continent, and used our researching skills to find out facts about Antarctica. We found out that Antarctica is not only cold, it is the coldest and windiest
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  • Spring 2 Week 3

    Published 08/03/24, by Eleanor Slaney
    Owls have absolutely loved World Book Week this week! We did lots to celebrate. The main talk of the school was the door decoration! Our class read 'The Koala Who Could' (more on that later) and so made leaves out of handprints and collaged/p
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  • Spring 2 Week 2

    Published 01/03/24, by Eleanor Slaney
    Owls have had a lovely week! We ‘travelled’ to Brazil, in South America. We learnt that Brazil is a big country and that it is hot. We looked at pictures of Brazil’s flag and the landscape and described what we could see. We learnt
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  • Spring 2 Week 1

    Published 23/02/24, by Eleanor Slaney
    It has been so lovely to welcome the Owls back to school this week!  We began our new topic 'Around the World'! We used Google Earth to 'zoom in' and find our continent, country and town, including finding school! We read Mart
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  • Spring 1 Week 6

    Published 09/02/24, by Eleanor Slaney
    And with that Spring term 1 comes to a close! What a busy week Owls class have had. We were lucky to be visited by lots of different people who help us, created obserational drawings, paintings and collages of daffodils, had a paper airplane rac
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  • Spring 1 Week 5

    Published 02/02/24, by Eleanor Slaney
    What an exciting week the Owls have had this week!  The highlight of the week was our visit by our local police. The children had a talk about how the police keep us safe and what to do in different situations (for example, if we were lost at
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  • Spring 1 Week 4

    Published 26/01/24, by Eleanor Slaney
    This week in Owls we read the story 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley'. It told us about the adventures of a plastic bag who got mistaken for a jellyfish in the ocean! We learnt that it can be harmful to animals to not put rubbish in the right plac
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  • Spring 1 Week 3

    Published 19/01/24, by Eleanor Slaney
    Owls have been very busy this week!  We made paper chains to decorate the classroom and thought of different methods of joining to attach them together, including glue, tape and paper clips. We received a letter from Evil Pea saying that he h
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  • Spring 1 Week 2

    Published 12/01/24, by Eleanor Slaney
    This week Owls read Supertato. We learnt that Evil Pea was on the loose and our vegetables needed saving! WE got straight to work, making wanted posters, designing and building traps, and acting as police and detectives to catch the Evil Pea. Th
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  • Spring 1 Week 1

    Published 05/01/24, by Eleanor Slaney
    Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break. It has been a delight to welcome the children back to school these past two days.  We created self-portraits following multiple-step instructions which included making a backgrou
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  • Autumn 2 Week 7

    Published 15/12/23, by Eleanor Slaney
    Owls have had such a festive week this week! The biggest thing the children did this week was not one, not two, but THREE performances of our Nativity... The Bossy King! The children were absolutely incredible, singing and dancing their socks off! I
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  • Autumn 2 Week 6

    Published 08/12/23, by Eleanor Slaney
    This week the Owls have been very busy!  We began the week talking about the seasons and the signs that the seasons were changing. We spoke about Winter and what we would likely see. Then we went out on a Winter-hunt Welly Walk! We took
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