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Summer 1 Week 5

This week Owls completed their first proper 'Hot Write'! This meant they completed a piece of writing completely independently after practising the day before on a 'Cold Write'. The whole school shared a story called Tuesday by David Wiesner, which tells the tale of some very strange and magical events that occurred one Tuesday! The children then had to continue the story and decide what might happen next Tuesday. The children were very creative and imaginative in their ideas, and I was so impressed by their independent sentence writing! 

In Maths this week we learnt about halving. The children explored how it means sharing equally between two. We tested trying to halve odd and even numbers and found that only even numbers can be halved (when using whole numbers). 

It was our final Forest School session this week! The children worked in groups to make dens. They had a wonderful time playing in their camps, making 'campfires', and decorating their dens. We also, of course, took part in the obligatory tree climbing and marshmallow roasting! 

Well done to this week's Star of the week - Grace! Grace worked incredibly hard on her hot write this week and wrote a beautiful sentence which included finger spaces, capital letters, a full stop and even extended it with the use of a conjunction! 

Next week we have two very exciting things to look forward to! We will be learning all about the science of bubbles on Monday as we get to watch The Explorer Dome's Science Assembly, and on Thursday have an opportunity to take part in The Sponsored Bounce (a big thanks to FOBBVS for organising!). Further information can be found in the most recent newsletter. Last week, a letter came home with your child about our school trip to Westonbirt on Friday 7th June next term, if your child did not have a letter in their bag let me know, and I can get you a new one printed. There is no Forest School next week as Owls have now completed their Forest School Sessions. 

Have a wonderful weekend and see you next week for the final week of Summer 1!