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Summer 1 Week 6

And just like that, we've reached another half term! We had a fabulous last week this Summer 1. We kicked things off with a brilliant Explorer Dome Science Show, all about the Science of Bubbles! The children learnt why bubbles sometimes float and sometimes don't. We held bubbles, made smoke-filled bubbles, rainbow bubbles and even exploded some bubbles using oxygen and fire! It was all very exciting and the children (and adults!) learnt a lot. 

We have been utilising our outside area lots again this week, checking in on our plants and building bug hotels for the visitors we found there. The children have been so creative in their play this week - we have had pirate ships with telescopes, performances on stages, and even a roller coaster that travelled the length of the playground! We also turned our tuff tray into a car wash and had a lovely time with our water play. 

In our writing, we recapped the life cycle of a butterfly - talking about the four stages and drawing and labelling a life cycle diagram in our books. We even learnt the word 'metamorphosis'! Some of the children even wrote their own story about a caterpillar who turns into a butterfly and included the word 'metamorphosis' in their writing! In our maths, we have been practising our number formation to make sure we aren't reversing our numbers any more. The children did a lovely job at writing their numbers neatly all the way to 20 and using their play doh to make their numbers.

We had such fun on Thursday at the FOBBVS Sponsored Big Bounce! The children all had a turn on the large trampolines, jumping so high up into the sky! (The adults even had a little go too!). Thank you to all who donated. 

Well done to our Star of the Week this week... Louis-Raphael! Louis-Raphael has worked really hard with his reading and writing this week, well done! 

We welcome the children back for their final term in Owls on Wednesday 5th June. PE days next term will be Monday and Friday. We will be beginning our 'Tell Me A Story' topic. Please do keep an eye out on the website for the latest curriculum newsletter and knowledge organiser, which will be up soon. I hope you have a wonderful half-term!