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Summer 2 Week 1

It has been lovely to welcome the Owls back to school these last three days! I cannot quite believe we are into our final half-term! 

We arrived to quite a shock on Wednesday morning - there was a crime scene in the classroom! Someone had messed up the Three Bear's Cottage and left porridge all over the floor, upturned the chairs and left some very suspicious golden hairs... 

The children used their IT skills to take photographs on the Ipads, before looking closely for clues. They spoke about different fairy tales that they knew and tried to spot anything that might hint as to what had happened and who the culprit was. We decided that Goldilocks must have broken in to try the porridge, but had left it in such a state that we would need to find her so that she could apologise to the bears. The children made Wanted Posters to help track her down! They drew pictures of Goldilocks and wrote sentences to accompany their drawings, including adjectives to be extra descriptive. We then displayed any posters that they made independently during Busy Bee Time on our display board. 

In maths, we learnt how to count by 2's! We spotted different patterns, using a numberline and numicon to help us. The children identified that when we count by 2's, we find which number is 2 more each time. They found out that we add 2 each time and that we are only counting the even numbers! 

In our circle time this week we spoke about our Christian Value of the term - truthfulness. We discussed what it means to tell the truth and how being honest can help us be a good friend.

We really enjoyed our trip to Westonbirt Arboretum on Friday. The trip focussed on recapping our learning from 'How things grow' (our previous topic) and I was so impressed by how much the children could remember! We found lots of different trees and their leaves, spoke about how a tree's roots help it to get water all the way up to the leaves, acted out what happens to an oak tree across the different seasons, learnt how to listen to trees, made 'stinky smoothies' and collected a rainbow variety of found plants and items to stick onto our colour cards! After we had lunch, it was time to go on a Gruffalo Hunt! Thank you so much to the parent volunteers who accompanied us on our trip today - your company and help was invaluable! We hope you enjoyed your day as much as the Owls did :)