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Falcons love to bounce!

Falcons were very lucky this week to experience the Explorer Dome Science Show. The children learnt all about the science of bubbles and had lots of fun. We got to hold bubbles, watch them float and even experienced them exploding. It was a magical and very educational experience for the children and the adults!

In English this week, Falcons identified the features of a letter and wrote their own letters to Mrs Henshall about a very important missing tea cup!

On Thursday, the Falcons all had a great time at the FOBBVS sponsored big bounce. I was very impressed with the children's determination to jump as high as possible. Their smiles and laughter were testament to the fun they all had! 

In PSHE this week, we discussed our trusted adults again and thought carefully about what bullying means. Falcons impressed me with how much they had recalled when we last discussed these topics. They also explained how we need to also help the bully as they are probably feeling very sad.

Have a fantastic half-term 

Mrs Nicholas