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Autumn Term 1 Week 2

Week 2!

The children in Falcons class are becoming more aware and settled into the year 1 routines after this week!

We continued our learning in maths and focused on counting up to 20 and back. 

In English, we introduced nouns to our writing. The children found nouns from around the classroom, and we organised them into different categories! Next we will be looking at adjectives!

In computing, the children discussed different ways we can stay safe online! This is an important topic for children to understand. They then took themselves off in pairs to video each other giving their top tips to stay safe online. 

In Geography, we were answering the question "Where is our school?" Together we identified where our school is on a map and reminded ourselves of the surrounding towns and villages. The children were then able to explore Google Earth and see if they could find our school themselves. We also designed the school out of play dough and built the school out of Lego too.

A reminder that PE days are Monday and Wednesday.

There have been many jumpers and cardigans left after school with no names on! To avoid this, please make sure your child's uniform is named. Thank you!

Have a lovely week.

Miss Hamilton :)