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Spring 1 Week 2

Shapes and role play!

We have had a busy week 2 in Falcons class. 

In maths this week we finished our topic of shapes by exploring different 2D shapes. We discussed the properties such as how many sides and corners the shapes have. To develop a further understanding, children had a chance to create their own pictures using 2D shapes and be able to name which shapes they used, as well as going outside and making shapes with different materials such as sticks, stones and leaves.

We have also started our new topic of Place Value within 20. We have started learning about tens and ones in numbers. 

In English, we have explored Queen Victoria's Bathing Machine further. We developed our understanding of characters' feelings and the sequencing of events through role play and hot seating.

In History, we thought of questions to ask Queen Victoria and actually got to ask them too! The children worked in groups to think of these questions, and we were fascinated by the answers.

We had our first Yoga session this week! It was a lovely way to end our Tuesday with a nice stretch. Everyone was focused and tried each move out, even when it was tricky!

Falcons have been spoken to about bringing toys to school and how we need to keep our possessions at home to avoid them being lost or put into other peoples' bags! 

Please continue to read 5 times a week. New spellings will be handed out every Monday!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Hamilton :)