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Autumn 1 Week 1 Ospreys 2024 / 2025 Blog

We have had a great first week in Ospreys!

The children have settled well into their new class and got back into the routine of school.

We discussed how we can be a team in Ospreys in our PSHE lesson this week and we created a teamwork wreath with our hands.

In English, we have started reading our class book, The firework-maker's daughter by Philip Pullman, and have discussed what our predictions are.

In Maths, we have been learning about place value to 100 and partitioning numbers to 100. We have also had our first table race and these will come home next week.

In Geography, we started our topic - Why do people live in challenging places?

In art, we have been looking at cold and warm tones and the children created a colour wheel to show these different tones.

Star of the week this week is Ellie. Ellie always follows the school promises and is always ready for learning. Well done Ellie!

PE this term is on Wednesday (Dance) and Thursday (PE moves).

As part of their homework, children should read 5x a week and this needs to be recorded in the reading records. They have all been given a new reading record. These need to be brought to school every day.

Thank you for all your support this week.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Miss Boddy :)


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