Week 7
Week commencing 18.05.20
Hello Ospreys!
Thank you so much for sending in your photos. I loved seeing you all and reading your messages. I hope you enjoyed seeing your friends too. If you haven't seen the photos yet, click on the 'Ospreys - We are together' tab on the Closure Information page.
The history activity is a 2 week project (ending on 5th June) and includes making a model of a Roman building. I thought it might be nice to show your creations just like we would do with homework in class. If you would like to do this, send me a photo and I will upload them to the Ospreys page for you all to see.
I am here to answer any queries or if you want to show me work you are proud of. Please email me or call the school office. This is the last week of term 5, there will be no work set next week as it is half term. You have all shown such resilience and positivity to your home learning over the 7 weeks- I am really proud of you all!
Mrs Whiston