Our Maths Intent:
Roots to grow wings to fly
Our mathematics curriculum is built on our vision of ‘Roots to Grow, Wings to Fly - They fly on wings like Eagles’ and underpinned by our Christian core values of Hope, Honesty, Forgiveness and Friendship.
The mathematics curriculum will provide children with the confidence, skills, knowledge and retention they need to become fluent mathematicians, understanding and accessing mathematics in the world around them. We want the children at By Brook Valley to be able to notice, explain and make connections. We have a consistent approach to planning mathematics across the school ensuring that there is planned opportunity for fluency, variation and mathematical thinking. Throughout all learning children will be encouraged to make connections across other subject areas.
Mathematics aims for our learners:
- Recall key number facts (times tables and number bonds) quickly and accurately;
- Use the four number operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) accurately and effectively;
- Understand the number system, particularly place value; fractions, decimals and percentages;
- To be able to notice, describe explain and make connections;
- To use multiple representations in all areas of the curriculum selecting their own concrete, pictorial or abstract methods to secure and deepen their understanding;
- To convince and justify their reasons;
- To use a range of strategies including; logical reasoning, problem-solving and the ability to think in abstract ways;
- Are prepared for the next stage of their educational journey.
How We Teach Maths:
Mathematics at By Brook Valley is sequentially taught allowing children to build on previous learning and to make links with other subjects. White Rose Maths is used by teachers to support planning and subject knowledge. Our lessons incorporate elements of arithmetic and reasoning. We ensure that the mathematical knowledge can be applied in other areas of learning, such as science and geography. As well as being taught their tables in lessons, children are able to use Times Tables Rockstars in school and at home to embed their learning.
Explicit mathematical vocabulary is critical in the teaching and learning of mathematics in our school and appropriate mathematical vocabulary is expected from all staff and children. We teach the children to work systematically and logically and scaffold their vocabulary through the use of our class mathematics working walls.
Across the school, a variety of apparatus is used to support and challenge learning. Numicon, base ten and place value counters are just some of the resources that children will have access to in their maths lessons.
Click Here For Times Tables Rockstars Log In Page
Numicon Place Value Counters
Base Ten