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Our Computing Intent:

Roots to grow wings to fly

Our computing curriculum is built on our vision of ‘Roots to grow and wings to fly.’ We endeavour to provide the children with opportunities to build and develop confidence with their use and understanding of technology, building on their prior learning.

It is our aim that all children are:

  • provided with opportunities that enable them to grow and develop confidence in their use and understanding of technology, with a focus on online safety;
  • supported to develop their computing knowledge and skills as they make their journey through their primary school education, ensuring that their learning is relevant to all areas of their life;
  • encouraged to broaden their use of computing vocabulary;
  • able to demonstrate  their knowledge and understanding through independent challenges and tasks;
  • taught to use technology safely, supported by their parents, the NSPCC and Safer Internet Day.

How We Teach Computing:

At By Brook Valley, Computing is taught on a two year rolling programme supported by Kapow. Using Kapow, children are taught the key skills of programming, using technology to create and understanding computers and networks. During these lessons children will use a range of devices including bee-bots, iPads and laptops. In preparation for secondary school, KS2 children will become confident with their use of Microsoft programs and develop their typing fluency and speed.

We take Online Safety very seriously at By Brook, which means it is taught three times a year to each class using Kapow and Safer Internet Day. It is also discussed through PSHE lessons across the year, appropriate to each age group.  Some of the issues that are taught are online bullying, social media, and sharing information. We understand that technology develops very quickly and endeavour to stay up to date with current programs and games the children are using. Every year our Digital Leaders run an Online Safety Day across the school, using the resources provided by

We work closely with parents to support the use of technology at home, please see the Online Safety section of the school website for resources and links. Click here to go straight to the page: By Brook Valley Online Safety Link

Please also be aware that if there are any issues regarding online safety out of school, we are always happy to help. Please talk to your child’s class teacher or email the Head Teacher on