Communication with Parents
We have a number of ways in which we communicate with parents and share what is happening at our school.
Some of these have been put in place following suggestions from parents so if you feel there is something else we could be doing, please let us know.
- Newsletters
- Class Curriculum Newsletters - These are sent out at the beginning of each term to let you know what your child will be learning over the coming weeks.
- Our website - This also has a class blog which teachers aim to update each week with photos and news from the week.
- Stay and Learn - This is an opportunity for you to join your child in the classroom for 20 minutes to take part in their learning a few times a year.
- Parent Evenings (October, February, July)
- Written Annual Reports (after Easter)
- Attainment Reports (terms 2, 4 and 6)
- Statutory Assessment Reports (Summer term for years 1, 2 and 6)
You can also request an appointment to speak to your child’s class teacher, the SENCo or the headteacher by contacting the school office. Making an appointment will ensure that we give you the time you need away from the bustle of our busy school.
If you require any of the documents on our website in paper form, please contact the school office who will be happy to help.