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Event Diary

Thursday 23 May 2024

Sponsored Bounce!

Get.. Set.. Bounce! This year our school is celebrating its 25th birthday, so to mark this special occasion we are holding a sponsored bounce! 

Can you bounce 25 times on the trampoline?

Too easy? How about how many batches of 25 jumps can you do? 

During the day, each class will be bouncing to raise money. 

Sponsorship from family and friends is most welcome. Payments can be made on ParentPay or cash to the office, which is also fine. 

Thank you so much for your donations and your support.

Monday 10 June 2024

Castle Combe Bike Ride!

At Castle Combe Circuit. £4 per child. Siblings welcome. Adults ride for free!

Event opens at 5pm, circuit opens at 5.30pm.

There will be a BBQ, drinks and a tuck shop!

Cycle helmets are essential!

Tickets available to purchase on ParentPay.

Friday 19th July

Family Fun Day!

3-5pm on the school field.  Join us for games, stalls, bouncy castle, drinks and cakes!

If you are able to help at any of the above events, please email or contact your FoBBVS rep via your class WhatsApp group. 

Thanks so much, the FoBBVS team.